Month: February 2019

ADHD and Depression

ADHD and Depression

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) causes stress and anxiety in and of itself. For teenagers, the condition can lead to difficulty in thinking about goals, being aware of the consequences of their actions and planning accordingly. It is estimated that adults with ADHD suffer from depression at 

Love Your Life

Love Your Life

By letting go of perfection, which is an impossible goal in life, you can find more satisfaction. Start by rethinking your priorities. When you create your To Do List, take a minute to estimate how much time and effort it will take to complete the 

Screenless Gift Ideas

Screenless Gift Ideas

The National Cyber Security Alliance estimates that youth aged 8 to 18 spend approximately 7½ hours online each day navigating social media sites, such as Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Many are unaware that while they can change their personal information, erase pictures and posts