Month: August 2019

Support for Siblings

Support for Siblings

Mental illness affects all members of a family. When one child is in crisis, the resulting stress can leave parents exhausted and other siblings feeling overlooked. Many brothers and sisters of individuals with mental health issues hide their own feelings and painful emotions, which can 

Alcohol Use and Its Effect on Mental Health

Alcohol Use and Its Effect on Mental Health

As college students return to campus, it is important to remember that alcohol use is associated with poor academic performance, sexual assaults and violence. In addition, those with depression or other mental health conditions have a greater chance of developing an alcohol use disorder or 

The Mental Health Benefits of Volunteering

The Mental Health Benefits of Volunteering

Many people believe that volunteering will increase their stress level, adding extra obligations and consuming their downtime. However, it actually can be one of the most self-serving things an individual does. Volunteering has been linked to improvements in depressive symptoms and feelings of optimism and