Month: February 2022

Unhealthy Relationships

Unhealthy Relationships

Individuals often remain in unhealthy relationships due to fear or the fact that they do not want to be alone. It is possible for both males and females to experience abusive relationships with friends, employers and co-workers, and not only with romantic partners or family 



According to Dr. Frederic Luskin, Director of the Stanford Forgiveness Projects, “Forgiveness changes the present, not the past.” It is “a choice you make to heal yourself.” Indignation and resentment, often from obsessively thinking or talking about how things should have been different, can cause 

Be A Mental Health Ally

Be A Mental Health Ally

Perhaps the biggest misconception about mental illness is that it is a single condition. Anxiety, depression, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and schizophrenia, etc., vary greatly from one another and can range in severity from mild to acute. The first step to being a mental health ally