Ways to Boost Girls’ Self-Esteem

Ways to Boost Girls’ Self-Esteem

From mid-adolescence onward, girls are more than twice as likely as boys to develop a mood disorder, like anxiety or depression. By the time family members and others notice a teenager’s anhedonia or lack of interest in most things, she typically has been depressed for an extended period of time. Fortunately, parents have substantial influence on how their daughters feel about themselves and there are numerous ways to boost girls’ self-esteem and help them to develop healthy, resilient self-images.

  • Model body acceptance and do not talk about foods as “good” or “bad.” Meals should focus on family time, nutrition and enjoyment.
  • Be media literate. Watch television and movies together and talk about what you are viewing to develop a critical eye, which will allow her to filter and decode media messages. Avoid having publications in your home that can encourage negative comparisons, such as fashion magazines.
  • Create opportunities for her to use her voice and encourage her to stand up for what she needs. Ask her what she wants, allow her to make a choice and then honor it.
  • Begin team sports early. Have her participate in hobbies that allow creative expression through activity and words, like art, music and theater.
  • Encourage practical skills like learning how to change a tire or use a drill. Praise her effort and development of new abilities rather than her performance; and compliment her actions and achievements rather than her appearance.

Self-esteem affects virtually every aspect of an individual’s life. By boosting girls’ self-esteem, you will allow them to be more resilient, effectively express their needs and opinions, be confident in their abilities to make decisions, and be less likely to stay in unhealthy relationships.