Harnessing the Power of Optimism

Harnessing the Power of Optimism

Optimism is a hopeful, positive outlook about yourself, the future and the world around you. It is a key part of resilience, the inner strength that helps individuals endure difficult times and experiences. When practicing optimism, remember to keep a flexible frame of mind. Expect change and be ready to adjust to it. Gaining a more optimistic perspective can improve both your mental and physical health!

  • Focus on what is going well. Write down three positive things from today. They can be large, like getting into college, or small, like “I reconnected with a friend.” Describe the cause of each event and credit yourself for the part you played in it, such as “I sent that text I have been putting off for a long time.”
  • Practice gratitude. Write down three things for which you are grateful. Focusing on what enriches your life can make your feelings and thoughts more positive.
  • Stop comparing yourself to others in a competitive way. Everyone has unique talents and abilities that are valuable.
  • Look for the benefits of life events. Remember a negative occurrence from your past. Write it down and think of something positive that has or can come from it. Record that as well using larger handwriting and/or a favorite color of ink or pencil.
  • Look ahead, picturing yourself doing something that you enjoy. Expect good things to happen.
  • Build yourself up. When you need it, rely on friends, your family and/or your faith. Repeat “I am strong” to yourself often.
  • When facing a challenge, focus on succeeding rather than expecting defeat.
  • Concentrate on maintaining and/or improving your physical health through exercise, a nutritious diet, getting enough sleep and taking time for personal hygiene. The better you feel and appear, the brighter your outlook will be.
  • Challenge your mind each day by learning something new.
  • Think positive thoughts about yourself and others.